Man Up!

"Know that wisdom is such to your soul; if you find it, there will be a future, and your hope will not be cut off" Proverbs 24:14
We are called to be men that lead courageously in every aspect of our lives; work, families, friends, through mission and outreach. We want to see a church full of men who are passionate and determined to live lives that honour God and advance His kingdom.
We want to journey together in a move to greatness. To equip, inspire and commission men to be great. Great husbands. Great fathers. Great friends. Great men of God. We aren't meant to live our lives on our own, God calls us to live connected and to journey together.

8-9 November 2024 - XCEL Men's Conference, Bradford
We'll be joining with 2,000 men at Life Church Bradford for what is sure to be another awesome event. You'll leave stronger, wiser and better equipped. We've pre-bought tickets, so click here for more info, or contact us to book in!